Thursday, 14 August 2014

April - July 2014: wildlife statistics

Paynesville Primary Grade 6 students
Koalas - 8
1 male & 1 Female found dead, both malnourished, Chlamydia present.
1 male from Granite Rock suffering from head trauma, euthanaised.
5 females all malnourished, Chlamydia present. 4 euthanaised ,1 died in care
1 male joey 10 months old died in care.

Swans - 2
1 young male hit by boat, died in care. 
1 adult male fishing hook in his beak, successfully caught and removed.
Wallabies - 2
Mum carrying baby hit by car in Centre Rd both died.

Kangaroos - 8
Mum carrying baby hit by vehicle, sustained a badly broken leg, she was sadly euthanaised. Male baby was taken into care but sadly passed away 3 days later.
2 juveniles, 1 male 1 female hit by vehicles, Gravelly Pt Rd both died.
2 adult males hit by vehicles Gravelly Pt Rd both died.
1 adult male hit by car at Nicholson was euthanaised .
1 male joey died in care
Mum was hit by a car and baby suffered mouth trauma and shock as a result.

Birds - 2
 Eastern Rosella hit by car outside the Bairnsdale Golf Course remains in care suffering from head trauma and wing damage.
Eastern Yellow Robin died in care cause unknown, unable to fly.

The Shelter wishes to thank all the residents for helping us care for the Wildlife by calling us when an animal is in need.
A friendly reminder to adopt “Island time” while commuting on the Island. With a high number of Kangaroos being hit and killed, we need to just drive a little slower, being extra careful early morning and late afternoon.
Remembering the speed limit is 50km unless signed otherwise.
Kangaroos have poor eye sight and take fright quickly. They are unpredictable in the direction you think they might go often jumping infront of cars without warning.
It was very sad to see one of our rare Albino Kangaroos hit and killed in May.